Sunday, July 28, 2013

Topics Topics Topics

This week was very beneficial in discovering what my action research plan would be. Unfortunately, I did not get to discuss with my site supervisor what I may do, but through the readings, I was able to think of some ideas. I honestly did not think action research would be so difficult, but I was not aware of how much actually goes into the thought process and the actual research. Dana's 9 passions that drive your journey really helped me go in depth about ideas for my school. I came up with another idea for my action research when reading about the school culture and community. I believe I will narrow my project to that category. I believe my students need to feel more involved within our school. I want to create some kind of buddy program involving technology with the older and younger students. That way, the students can have extra content practice, as well as, build relationships.


  1. Awesome idea! Mentor buddies are awesome! I loved doing something like that as a kid! Happy memories!

  2. That could be a great idea. I agree there's a lot of preparation for action research, but I guess that's what makes it worthwhile. You can actually get information that you can use at your own school.

  3. Your idea sounds great especially to have students use technology. Though I like technology and use it as much as possible. It seems the students themselves do not always have the opportunity to explore and try new things on the internet. Granted sometimes we are concerned about what websites they want to explore but I suppose that if they have a direction it could be a fun experience for both the younger and older student. What grades are you thinking about? I've heard about a 2 grade difference. The younger students are "Wowed" that an older student is spending time with them. Really cute.
