Sunday, July 28, 2013

Topics Topics Topics

This week was very beneficial in discovering what my action research plan would be. Unfortunately, I did not get to discuss with my site supervisor what I may do, but through the readings, I was able to think of some ideas. I honestly did not think action research would be so difficult, but I was not aware of how much actually goes into the thought process and the actual research. Dana's 9 passions that drive your journey really helped me go in depth about ideas for my school. I came up with another idea for my action research when reading about the school culture and community. I believe I will narrow my project to that category. I believe my students need to feel more involved within our school. I want to create some kind of buddy program involving technology with the older and younger students. That way, the students can have extra content practice, as well as, build relationships.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Teachers and BLOGGING...

Blogging is not only a helpful's fun! Technology is huge in today's society. Everyone, including a toddler can use technology. We google just about anything these days and half the time you google something...someone has written a blog post about it!
Blogging is all about sharing thoughts, opinions, and everything in between. Typing up your thoughts allows for reflection time that you wouldn't normally have. When you write, so much thought is put into the post because of how POWERFUL words are!
As an educational leader, blogs can be used to communicate with other educational leaders. The power of communication and collaboration can promote and inspire a magnitude of change. People's questions and comments cause you to reflect more on the situation at hand, which can promote even more growth! Blogs also allow you to share new thoughts and ideas. They have the power to inspire and teach. The most important reason to blog, in my opinion, is to allow for collaboration among peers to promote and develop growth in one's thinking.

What's This Action Research Thing About?

Action Research is potentially one of the most valuable tools I have learned about. As an educator, we want to inspire a thirst for learning in all students. Therefore, as an educator, we must not stop learning. We need to continually research and discover ways to improve our learning. Action research is a huge tool to promote change in your classroom and school. The first step in this change begins with the school administrator. Being a leader and setting the example for your coworkers will inspire the continuation of a teacher's thirst for learning. Once the administrator identifies where changes need to be made, research, collaboration, reflection, and implementation will take place. It won't stop there. Action research is a continuous process with constant reflection in order to ensure your practice is the most beneficial for all. 

As an educator, I use and will continue to use action research. I constantly want to improve the way I teach in my classroom. I want to find the best practices and a variety of practices that I can use in different situations. I learned how important reflection is within action research. This new knowledge will enable me to progress forward and become a better leader. With reflection, I am thinking more in depth about my decisions and where changes need to be made.