Action Research is potentially one of the most valuable tools I have learned about. As an educator, we want to inspire a thirst for learning in all students. Therefore, as an educator, we must not stop learning. We need to continually research and discover ways to improve our learning. Action research is a huge tool to promote change in your classroom and school. The first step in this change begins with the school administrator. Being a leader and setting the example for your coworkers will inspire the continuation of a teacher's thirst for learning. Once the administrator identifies where changes need to be made, research, collaboration, reflection, and implementation will take place. It won't stop there. Action research is a continuous process with constant reflection in order to ensure your practice is the most beneficial for all.
As an educator, I use and will continue to use action research. I constantly want to improve the way I teach in my classroom. I want to find the best practices and a variety of practices that I can use in different situations. I learned how important reflection is within action research. This new knowledge will enable me to progress forward and become a better leader. With reflection, I am thinking more in depth about my decisions and where changes need to be made.
I think it is good to constantly reiterate that Action Research is a great tool to grow as both an educator and administrator. It is what we should be doing as teacher in the classroom anyway.